Peru (2008)

Peru is known worldwide for its treasury of monuments of the past. The cultures of Chavin, Chimu, Nazca, Tiahuanaco, Mochica and the Inca left ancient mysteries for future generations to discover.

In its flourishing times, the Great Empire of the Incas used to spread from Peru to Chile and Argentina. The town of Cusco, which translates to “the hub of the universe,” was the capital of the Incan Empire. The first Spanish settlers were blinded by the shine of temples made of gold as they entered the town. The infamous Machu Picchu is a mysterious Incan town lost in the jungle and surrounded by vast canyons in the Andes.

Besides famous enigmatic paintings, the Nazcan Desert contains numerous well-preserved monuments of ancient Indian cultures of Peru.

Lake Titicaca, on the border of Bolivia and Peru, lies 3,810 meters above the ground, is the largest high-altitude navigable lake in the world. Its floating cane islands are still inhabited by the Aymara Indian tribe.

Apart from being famous for its historical and cultural sights, Peru is recognized for its amazing natural diversity. The Amazon streams from the tropical jungle; herds of lamas and vicunas feed on immense Andean plateaus; and the magnificent glide of the condor can be observed in the Colca Canyon.

Brazil is the most developed country in South America in terms of beekeeping, ranking second in the world in export of honey after China. Peru cannot boast large beekeeping businesses due to the fact that the major part of its area is high-altitude.    

During our stay in Peru, we visited a beekeeping farm Didascalia located near a Catholic monastery Lumen Dei (the light of God) in the Holy Valley of the Incas.

Some small apiaries hold around one hundred bee colonies. Beehives are wooden and multiple storey. One of the apiaries is located in the proximity of the monastery.

Honey yielded in this area is polyfloral. During blooming it is also collected from eucalyptus and cress.  Bee pollen and beeswax, as well as honey, are highly valued. Quality control of honey is done in a small laboratory at the apiary.

Peruvian honey has beneficial properties like most mountain honey types. Fresh honey is recognized for its exceptional smell of eucalyptus and South American plants. The variant techniques of beekeeping in Peru depend on the climatic zone. In tropical areas and on the coast, for example, bees collect honey all year round.  In the mountainous regions, where temperatures tend to drop in winter, beehives are stored in warm places for overwintering.
